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Click on the image at left to stream or purchase this CD from Amazon.
Remembrance, Volume Two
Click here to hear Caio Pagano play Rachmaninoff's Prelude in G-sharp minor, op. 32, no. 12, one of the selections included in this album.
Click on the image at left to stream or purchase this CD from Amazon.
Click here to hear samples from this album.
Click on the image at left to stream or purchase this CD from Amazon.
Franck: Symphonic Variations
plus Debussy, Ravel, and Satie
Click here to hear samples from this album.
Click on the image at left to purchase this CD from Amazon.
Click on the image below to hear Caio Pagano perform Weber's Perpetuum mobile, op. 24
Click on the image below
to hear Caio Pagano perform Beethoven's epic Diabelli Variations, op. 120,
Variations 27 through 33,
plus two encores (the Theme and Variation 25)
"Final Musical Thoughts"
Click on the image at left to view a remarkable documentary from Panambi Cinema in Brazil about the making of Caio Pagano's CD Ultimos pensamentos musicais ("Final Musical Thoughts"), an exploration of the final works of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann, Debussy, and others. (In Portuguese with English subtitles.)
Click on the image at right to stream this recording on Spotify.